Category Archives: Uncategorized

Comparing CCA’s Retail 2.0 and Broadlume’s Digital Retailing

This is my analysis of CCA’s Retail 2.0 and Broadlume’s Digital Retailing system is just my opinion. My thoughts are based on what I have heard and read on the street, online and in the industry press. This is simply my perspective on the potential benefits and challenges associated with each system. Here are someRead More

What is the impact on flooring retailers when suppliers eliminate cash discounts that have been the historical norm for 60 years?

What is the impact on retailers when suppliers eliminate cash discounts that have been the historical norm for 60 years?  I have been surprised at the lack of public discussion on this impactful change.  I was shocked when some retailers expressed indifference or acted as though the terms were a gift and not important.  WhileRead More