Should Flooring Dealers Always Respond to Customer Reviews?

Yes! It is always a good idea to respond to reviews online regardless if they are positive or negative. In the competitive world of flooring business, customer reviews play a crucial role in shaping your brand’s image and fostering growth. Whether the feedback is positive or negative, responding to reviews is essential. In this guide,Read More

Seizing Opportunities in the Shifting Flooring Market with FC23

Seizing Opportunities in the Shifting Flooring Market with FC23

Google search trends indicate that hardwood flooring is now on par with vinyl, offering flooring businesses a unique chance to increase their average sales. However, the hardwood market is typically price-sensitive, making profit margins challenging. To thrive in this evolving landscape, consider the following points and the significance of attending FC23: 1. FC23: Your GatewayRead More

The Crucial Role of Flooring Dealers in Customer Education

The terms “waterproof” and “water-resistant” used in marketing flooring products are not helpful.

Flooring dealers play a vital role in ensuring that customers make informed choices and are satisfied with their purchases. This often involves providing additional explanations and clarifications about product features and labeling. Educating Customers Dealers frequently find themselves in a position where they must explain technical distinctions to customers, such as the difference between “water-resistant”Read More

Navigating Accounting Software Integration in Vertical Market Businesses

Why would an accountant refuse to understand a clients new vertical, flooring industry specific business software?

In my years of experience, I’ve encountered this situation repeatedly: accountants, bookkeepers, and financial professionals may have valid reasons for being hesitant to embrace a client’s new vertical, industry-specific business software. Specialization and Expertise Typically, these professionals specialize in financial and accounting principles, compliance, tax laws, and auditing. Their primary expertise lies in managing financialRead More

Choosing the Right Accounting Software for Your Flooring Business

Accounting software is an essential module in a flooring industry-specific business

Accounting software is a fundamental component of any flooring industry-specific business, but it’s just one piece of a comprehensive software system. Flooring dealers rely on specialized flooring business management software to handle multiple aspects of their operations, including accounting. These software systems encompass various modules, such as inventory management, sales, estimating, scheduling, and customer relationshipRead More

Empowering the Flooring Industry with Customized Software Solutions

Flooring software developers promote knowledge, sustainability, and responsible practices

As the flooring industry constantly evolves, the role of a flooring software partner becomes more critical than ever. These partners are not just developers but enablers of change, promoting knowledge, sustainability, and responsible practices within the industry. The impact of this approach is profound, especially when contrasted with off-the-shelf software solutions that simply cannot measureRead More

Navigating the Impact of Supplier Cash Discount Elimination on Retailers

What is the impact on retailers when suppliers eliminate cash discounts that have been the historical norm for 60 years?

In the ever-evolving world of retail, change is a constant. However, there’s one recent change that has been surprisingly under-discussed despite its significant impact: the elimination of cash discounts by suppliers, a practice that had been the norm for six decades. This shift can have far-reaching consequences for retailers, touching various aspects of their operations.Read More

Flooring Consumers value COST not PRICE

When it comes to flooring sales, consumers are more concerned about the overall cost rather than just the initial price tag. In this blog post, we’ll explore why consumers prefer to shop at independent flooring stores over big box stores, and how you can leverage this preference to improve your margins and provide valuable guidanceRead More

What is the impact on flooring retailers when suppliers eliminate cash discounts that have been the historical norm for 60 years?

What is the impact on retailers when suppliers eliminate cash discounts that have been the historical norm for 60 years?  I have been surprised at the lack of public discussion on this impactful change.  I was shocked when some retailers expressed indifference or acted as though the terms were a gift and not important.  WhileRead More

Without domain expertise, specialized packages like those offered by Quickbooks and other generic software packages are not as cost-effective and efficient.

When it comes to adopting specialized software packages for your flooring business, such as Intuit’s QuickBooks, MS Dynamics, Xero, FreshBooks, Wave, Square, Salesforce, Sage, Airtable, Plaxonic, and more, having domain expertise is absolutely crucial. Off-the-shelf software may seem convenient, but it often falls short in meeting the unique needs of the flooring industry. Here’s whyRead More